Sunday 12 February 2012

People Forget

I thought losing my daughter, and having to live each day without her would be the only things I'd have to deal with. But it's not.

Ever since her death, I've noticed people forget. Or even refuse to speak of her , or say her name.

I've had one person say to me when I was speaking of another little girl I knew, but this person obviously misunderstood and thought I was talking about Sophie. "Don't even go there Sam, it's not worth it"
I knew exactly what she meant, and whom she was referring too.
They think they mean well, but it'd have been easier and less painful to stick a knife right in to my chest.

Why do people forget?

Why do people tell me I'm lucky as I have Ben?

Why do people who have never lost a child tell us to get over it?

Why do people who were there when my daughter was born, and died never mention her name? act like she never existed?

Are people not aware that their actions are only pouring salt in an never healing wound. I realise that some only try to save you pain by not mentioning their names, or speaking of them. But some are just so self centered that they can't see the wood for the trees, or how ever that saying goes!

Makes me furious to see friends that have also lost, going through each day with this sort of behaviour.

I miss her. When she died, a part of me died with her. I mourn the loss of my daughter and the person I used to be.
I mourn each day the life I have lost, I mourn the hugs I'm never going to give her, the kisses on her head.
Each night when I tuck my son in to bed I mourn the fact I should be tucking in two children rather than one.
I am lucky to have Ben, but unless you've buried a child yourself, or suffered with trying for a baby for several years. Please Please keep your hurtful comments to yourself.

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